Five Things Dogs Can Teach You About Play

Here are my Five Favorite Tips that Meesha my Golden Retriever coaches with human beings and models every day!

They are easy, fun and guaranteed to get you in touch with your child like, joyful playful self. Beware it is contagious and may bring uncontrollable smiles and laughter.

Meesha Sez:

1.  Be In The Moment: Anyone that is a dog lover knows this, we just know how to hang and chillax and gosh we really have to play hard to show you humans being that it is really quite simple. Just watch us fur beings and you will learn how to easily relax, play, be patient and loving.  We have this innate knowing that the gift is in the present, yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery. We are simply experts of living in the moment.

2. Follow Your Nose:  Okay, yes I know we have an advantage on this one as our sense of smell is a gazillion times stronger than you humans, however, if you look at this one as following your own intuition and follow your own path. Trust yourself.

3.  Be Silly:  When was the last time you did something silly and made someone laugh or better yet, laughed at yourself?  My favourite happy dance  is chasing my tail and catching it.  Yup, looks really silly, but sure is fun.  Quit worrying about what other people think! Take a who cares attitude and create your own happy dance.

4.  Be Yourself:  Whatever you do, just be you!  People sense when your comfortable in your skin and I notice I am like a magnet. People just wanna hang out with me.  Would’nt you like more of that?

5.  Unconditional Love:  I think this is what all humans are seeking.  This one is self explanatory. Again, just watch us we have no boundaries in the Love arena.

Okay, now it’s up to you. Go have fun with it and if you need help, email You will also find me making special appearances at upcoming Lovin Livin Program and Events. Don’t forget to bring the ball and treats. I promise I will make you smile.


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