Focused Fun!

Hmmm you may be asking, what the heck is she talking about now… how do you have focused fun?
I have discovered that even the most focused people can have challenges getting tasks done that they don’t particularly like. i.e. catching up on paper work, doing laundry, decluttering an office or room, fixing a computer problem, a project that is over due in your work or business  to name a few. Or how about starting a new project or something that gets you out  of your comfort zone …i.e. a new personal or career goal, starting a new course, changing your routine and suddenly you find yourself procrastinating, doing other things that really have nothing to do with what you need to be doing or have made your priority. Suddenly you find yourself, helping someone else or doing tasks or fixing something that has completely taken you away from your project at hand, or perhaps you find yourself hungry and getting a snack or running an errand, all those little tricks we play with ourselves to avoid what we really need to be doing.

So here is a little game I play with myself to get me started and get me in the flow of the project or task I have been procrastinating with. I have shared this with clients who have great success. So why not give it a try! You may be surprised that you too can have Focused Fun!

Pick an amount of time, say you have half hour or hour and set the timer for this, if this feels too big break it down, to even 10 minutes, set the timer and go at it. (If the environment is appropriate put on some tunes) When the timer goes you will be amazed at how much you have done. Most of all you will likely be in the flow of Focused Fun! Yes Fun, the feeling of accomplishing guilt free.

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