Windows Of Time

new year

As the clock ticks closer to New Year’s Eve, the air is full of suspension and collectively we all hold our breath for the count down. And as the clock strikes twelve the air is full of sound, celebration and the exhale of breath, a new year has begun… or so we think. Time is a relative thing and as I am beginning to realize it works more in layers than in a linear fashion. Time happens all at once. So what does that mean exactly when configured into a New Year’s resolution? And what perchance happened to the old year resolution? Were all of the old ones fulfilled? Did you meet that window of time? What was your timeline? We can be very hard on ourselves when measuring our accomplishments in units of time. In Charles Dickens’ novel A Christmas Carol Ebenezer Scrooge is taken on a journey through time that teaches us that time is not only relative but also irrelevant. Every time we create a change we can change the past and the future and the present moment. The only thing that is crucial is the defining moment. From one breath to the next we can change everything for the good or the bad just in the nick of time. So this New Year’s Eve perhaps midnight could be seen alternatively as a still point where collectively we all pause for a moment and freeze time for it now to become a moment in time in which we wake up to realize that every moment is New Year’s Eve.  Each minute of our lives is a new beginning,  that has the flexibility of becoming what we choose it to be.  Because one thing that we will never ever run out of…. is time.

Blessings for a year full of fulfillment and your hearts desires. Geri and the Lovin Livin TeamAdd some sparkle to your life

Last Modified on March 10, 2017
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